Monday, August 23, 2010

Four Generations

Mom and Dad came down for the weekend for Susan's birthday and to visit with Julie and Adam. Adam usually doesn't have 5 adults and two dogs to play with him at any given moment and as you can see, he was one happy little boy.

Since we don't know how long it will be before Julie and Adam can visit again or if Mom and Dad will get a chance to go to Pittsburgh, I took this four generation picture while they were all together. When Julie was a baby, we took a picture just like this with Julie, Susan, Mom and Grandma Bea.

Adam and Dad are playing with one of Adam's favorite toys. He loves to try and get the yellow plastic shaped pieces into the right slot on the blue and red ball. He is also fascinated with magnets and he is definitely in the right house for that. Susan and I have hundreds of magnets and Adam had a great time trying to stick them on things.
Adam took two steps, threw a toy for the dogs, and clapped while Mom and Dad were here. We hope we will start walking more before he goes home next week.