Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Contest Awards

Since I have a lot of free time on my hands lately, I have spent some of it entering contests online. During the Olympics, our local TV station sponsored a Question of the Day contest. During the late night news, after the Olympic coverage ended, they asked a question about the Olympics. You could then log in and post your answer. During the competition I won $50.00 worth of gift certificates to local restaurants.
For the Oscars, there was another contest where you had to identify winners in 11 categories prior to the award show on TV. I was able to correctly identify 10 out of the 11 winners, which turned out to be the highest score in Washington State. The sponsoring station here in town is working on my prize. The national winner got 11 out of 11 correct and won an 18 DVD set of classic films.
Right now, we are entered in four different sweep-stake contests and I have my fingers crossed!