If you follow our blog on a regular basis, you have probably noticed that the number of posts have slowed down just a bit. I started school in September and as a result my free time has decreased, but I am having so much fun! My first class in the Multimedia Arts Program is
Photoshop Basics. This is an amazing program and we are just
scratching the surface of what it can do. I want to share just two of the assignments we have had so far in the class. The first photo of the red mini cooper is what we started with.
The assignment was to select the car and remove it from its background. Then we tinted the windows, created a second car,
re-sized it and painted it blue.
Not bad for a newbie.
For the next assignment, we started with this old barn. Our job was to create a bar that did not yet exist so that the owner could show potential investors how the property would look when the project was completed.
Notice the new sky? We also fixed the holes in the roof, added windows and signs, painted the barn, added a parking lot, bikes, and truck and people.
The hardest part for me so far has been creating shadows on objects and making them look realistic. I am really bad at this, which explains why you don't see any shadows from the tree in the parking lot. It actually looks more
realistic without the shadows than with the shadows I tried to create. I have one more lesson in Photoshop and after the final exam I move on to Flash. I will continue to post examples of what I am learning.