Last month Susan spent some time sightseeing and visiting Mom and Dad in Arizona. One adventure was riding on the Verde Canyon Railroad. The heritage railroad is located near Clarkdale, Arizona. It opened in 1912 and was originally built to support the copper mines located in Jerome.
Different prices reflect the style in which you ride. This is a picture of the first-class cabin, while the following picture is coach class.

These next three pictures show some of the scenery visible from the train. All excellent photos considering the train is moving right along.

They also visited the Strawberry School House, the oldest standing school in Arizona. The school is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Built by pioneers in 1885, the one-room school provided elementary instruction until 1916.

Montezuma Castle features well-preserved cliff-dwellings built by the Sinagua. The amazing ruin is located between Phoeniz and Flagstaff.

They also tried a variety of restaurants during Susan's visit, including Toby Keith's I Love This Bar, where among other interesting side dishes, they serve deep fried macaroni and cheese!
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